By: Ayatollah Sayyid Ali Khamenei’i
Question one: What ruling does rubbing alcohol have?
Answer: Without knowledge of it being spiritually unclean (najis), it is ruled as spiritually clean (tāhir)
Question two: Is the alcohol that is used to kill bacteria after an injection spiritually unclean?
Answer: It is spiritually clean if it is not a liquid that is originally an intoxicant or it is doubted that it is an intoxicant liquid.
Question three: What ruling does touching dried blood over a wound after it is made spiritually clean have?
Answer: If it is blood it is spiritually unclean and touching it with enough wetness where the wetness would be transferred would result in becoming spiritually unclean.
Question four: Sometimes dead tissue that is adjacent to live tissue must be severed to prevent an infection. What ruling does touching this tissue have?
Answer: It is spiritually unclean if it is called a piece of a body and has been cut off, but one does not have to perform a ghusl due to touching it.
Question five: Suppose one’s mouth becomes bloody and his artificial teeth touch the blood. Can one make the artificial teeth spiritually clean without taking them out of the mouth?
Answer: It is possible, it is even possible with less than kur water.
Question six: What ruling does swallowing blood that comes from one’s gums due to a sickness or due to brushing one’s teeth have?
Answer: If one has a choice it is not permissible.
Question seven: What ruling does thin transparent blood have after it is made spiritually clean and the blood is cleaned off of the wound have?
Answer: It is spiritually unclean if there is blood in it.
Question eight: What ruling does transferring blood from a woman to a man or from an unbeliever to a Muslim have?
Answer: There is no problem in it.
Question nine: What ruling does touching the blood of a mosquito or a fish whose blood does not gush out of its veins have?
Answer: There is no problem, it does not cause spiritual uncleanliness.
Question ten: Sometimes when one wants to draw blood he puts a needle into the vein and the needle comes into contact with blood. But, because the blood did not flow into the needle or an insufficient amount of blood was taken there is a need to take more blood. Does this needle become spiritually unclean? Is one able to use this needle again?
Answer: There is no problem in using it again and it is spiritually clean if there is no blood on the outside of the needle and the needle did not touch a wet spiritually unclean substance.
Question eleven: What ruling does touching the sweat of a junub person or spiritually unclean items have?
Answer: The sweat of a junub person is not spiritually unclean. If one touches a spiritually unclean substance that is wet enough to transfer the wetness he (the part that touched) will become spiritually unclean.
Question twelve: Sometimes blood reaches the hands of a person taking another person’s blood. Is it possible to make his hand spiritually clean by using a cotton swab with rubbing alcohol or does one have to act according to the rules found in the books of jurisprudence?
Answer: Making items that have become spiritually unclean spiritually clean, similar to what has been mentioned in the question, must be done by using water.
Question thirteen: Sometimes a broken bone tears through the skin, does touching this bone necessitate a ghusl?
Answer: Ghusl is not necessitated if the person is still alive. If the person is dead, then, in all cases, if it is touched a ghusl will become obligatory.
Question fourteen: Sometimes people knowingly or unknowingly tear some of their skin around their fingernail, or any other place, off. Does touching a part of the skin that has been separated necessitate a ghusl?
Answer: It does not necessitate a ghusl.
Question fifteen: Does semen that comes out without lust, unintentionally, and without force necessitate a ghusl?
Answer: A ghusl is necessitated if one is certain that it was semen.
Question sixteen: How does one perform ghusl if his whole leg or arm is in a cast?
Answer: He must perform the jabīrah ghusl.