Questions and answers
What is a Shariah Law?
There is a difference but a yet a strong link between the words deen and sharia. Deen means religion, while Shari’a means the laws of Islam. Shari’a are the Islamic laws that govern our way of life, and without it,…
Who is the Mahdi
A figure more legendary than that of the Mahdi, the Awaited Saviour, has not been seen in the history of mankind. The threads of the world events have woven many a fine design in human life but the pattern of…
What Does Imam Mean?
Imam can mean prayer leader and elder of a mosque. The word ‘Imam’ also describes the infallible Imams or religious leaders who were all members of the Prophet Mohammad’s (PBUH) family.
As a Muslim, Can I marry anyone I Wish?
Marriage in Islam is the uniting, or creating a bond between a man and a woman, who will gradually develop into a deep spiritual, sentimental and socio-economic relationship. The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) has said: “No institution of Islam is liked…
Where is Mecca and what’s the Kabba and Hajj?
Mecca is the capital city of Saudi Arabia’s Makkah province, in the historic Hijaz region. It has a population of 1,294,167 (2004 census). The city is located 73 kilometers (45 mi) inland from Jeddah, in the narrow sandy Valley of…
What are The Pillars of Islam?
Islam is divided into two categories. Think of Islam as a tree. You have the roots of religion, without roots a tree cannot grow, and then the branches of Islam, without which there will be no beauty. We will start…
Is Islam a Terrorist Religion?
Not in the least. Islam strictly condemns the use of violence against innocent lives. There is no justification in Islam for terrorism. Targeting the lives of innocent civilians and their property through suicide bombings or any other means of attack…
Why did the Shi’a Separate From the Sunni?
The Shia-Sunni split is not a recent phenomenon. The root of this division can be traced to just a few days after the death of our Prophet (pbuh&hp). Shi’as believe that the Prophet within his lifetime unambiguously appointed Imam Ali…
What Does Haram or Halal Mean?
“Haram” is derived from the Arabic word “Hurum” which means “impermissible”. Thus “haram” means that the thing under discussion is Islamically impermissible. (For example, pork is haram for consumption.) Conversely, “halal”, being the opposite of haram, means “permissible”.
Why do so many Muslim Women Cover their Heads with a Scarf?
The act of covering one’s hair by Muslim females is an integral part of the larger concept of Hijab. Hijab, in essence, is the notion of displaying a sense of modesty in dress and demeanour. Modesty and chastity are very…