Beauty of Concealment and Concealment of Beauty
Hejab is like a scenery, a panorama or a garden, a garden full of fruits of different colours. You can select anyone of the thousands of rooms with thousands of windows, and from its frame look at the garden, stretch…
Imperialist Roots of the Abolition of Hijab
“From Woman’s Lap Man Ascends to the Skies”. (Imam Khomeini [RA]) Imperialist Roots of the Abolition of HijabThe Islamic Revolution of Iran, before being a political revolution for getting hold of the power, or an economic revolution dealing with the…
Imperialist Tactics, Weakness of Muslims’ Bias
Imperialist Tactics, Weakness of Muslims’ Bias and Treacheries Perpetrated by the Satanic Regime In order to execute their nasty plans against woman as a manifestation and exponent of Islamic Self, there were two internal factors which had been effective and…
Message of Hijab from a Muslim Woman
Message of Hijab from a Muslim WomanHearken! O Woman! This jingle jangle is the clink of your chains! What an old and rusty clink! As if it has continued to ring for thousand of years of history till this day.…
Why Hijab?
Summary: The Non-Muslim Western Woman makes a judgment call out of ignorance towards an intelligent, well-informed and eager to express her opinion, Muslim/Hijabi woman. Why Hijab?Back story: The Muslim hijabi woman, born and raised in Ontario, Canada. A firm believer…
Imam Ali and Presence of Heart in prayer
Imam Ali (A.S) and Presence of Heart in prayer The presence of heart means that the heart and attention of the one who offers his prayer is with God during the pray. The presence of heart is more profound than…
Islam Prohibits to marry these women
Islam does not allow us to marry off our daughters to several groups of people including the corrupt, the stupid, the ill-tempered, and the alcoholics. Thus by prohibiting such marriages, a woman’s respect and honor are safeguarded. In the same…
The Religion of Islam and Marriage
Man – just like any other creation possessing both a body and a soul is in need of several things – each of which is essential for the safeguard of one’s survival and well-being. For example, the hunger pains and…
The Purpose of Marriage in Islam
A great deal of emphasis has been given in the Holy Qur’an and the traditions to both marriage and having children. The Almighty Allah states in the Holy Qur’an: “And among His signs is this that He created for you…
Sleep $ Prayer guidelines from Islam
Sleep The Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) recommended adequate sleep. He never deprived himself of sleep nor overslept. He also advised and practiced to sleep at the early part of the night, and to wake up early in the morning. Science research shows…