Prophet’s affection for Abu Talib is proof of his faith and Islam
Prophet’s (s.a.w.a.) affection for Abu Talib (a.s.) is proof of his faith and Islam The skeptics do not consider Abu Talib (a.s.) a Muslim despite his tireless service in the way of Islam and in the defence of the Holy…
Light of Abu Talib on the Day of Judgement
Light of Abu Talib (a.s.) on the Day of Judgement The Muslim majority believes that Abu Talib (a.s.) is in the Fire since their books hint that he died without accepting Islam (Allah forbid). However, the reality is the exact…
The many books compiled by Ahle Tasannun scholars on Imam Mahdi
The many books compiled by Ahle Tasannun scholars on Imam Mahdi (a.t.f.s.) Some Muslims hostile to the Shias reject specific beliefs only because they are perceived as part of Shiite ideology. One such belief is that of Imam Mahdi (a.t.f.s.)…
Is Tarawih is an innovation?
While the Muslim nation goes about praying Tarawih with extreme enthusiasm in the Month of Ramazan, it is a good idea to pause and reflect over the reality of Tarawih. The inventor of Tarawih, the second ruler, Umar Ibn Khattab,…
Why Allah granted Prophet Khizr a long life?
Why Allah granted Prophet Khizr (a.s.) a long life? The skeptics deny the existence of Imam Mahdi (a.t.s.f.) on one pretext or the other. One of their weaker arguments relates to Imam’s (a.s.) long life. In their view it is…
Had these two been alive, enemies would not have usurped caliphate of Ameerul Momineen
Had these two been alive, enemies would not have usurped caliphate of Ameerul Momineen (a.s.) Caliphate was usurped from Ameerul Momineen (a.s.) under trying circumstances. Had these circumstances been any different and if the two daring ones been alive, the…
Punishment for rejecting Ghadeer: Stone from sky
The announcement of Ghadeer expectedly ruffled a lot of feathers among the companions. While many of them secretly rejected appointment of Ameerul Momineen (a.s.) as Master on the Day of Ghadeer, there were some who grumbled openly to the Prophet…
Why Allah punished the Muslims with Yazid?
Yazid was possibly the biggest punishment on the Muslim nation. This is clear from his heinous crimes like killing of Imam Husain (a.s.), catapulting fireballs on the Holy Kaaba and plundering of the sacred city of Medina. How did such…
The Calamity of Thursday and its devastating impact on Muslims
The ‘Dark Thursday’ or the ‘Calamity of Thursday’ was a turning point in the history of Islam as this widely documented incident shows: Saeed Ibn Jubair reports: It was the 11th Hijri in the final days of Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.)…
The Salafi view on Ziyarat of Holy Prophet
The Salafi view on Ziyarat of Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) is defined by the views of their leaders like Ibn Taymiyyah and Muhammad Ibn Abdil Wahhab. Ibn Taymiyyah famously said – Man cannot undertake journey specifically for the ziyarat of Prophet…