Message of Hijab from a Muslim Woman
Message of Hijab from a Muslim WomanHearken! O Woman! This jingle jangle is the clink of your chains! What an…
Abu Bakr’s claim of consensus on Fadak is pointless
Abu Bakr’s claim of consensus (ijmaa) on Fadak is pointless The topic of Fadak and the bigger debate on the…
Islam’s Original Plans for Marriage
By: Hujjat al-Islam Husain Ansariyan And those who pray, “Our Lord! Grant unto us wives and offspring who will be…
Dua Tawassul – Abu Thar Al-Halawaji
Recitatin of Dua Tawassul by Abu Thar Al-Halawaji Recitation of Dua Tawassul Abu Thar Al-Halawaji This Dua is narrated…
A Conversation on Pork
“Forbidden to you (for food) are, dead meat, blood, the flesh of swine, and that on which has been invoked…
The Rules of Wudu
By: Sayyid Muhammad Rizvi A. INTRODUCTION Wudu and ghusl both are ritual ablution; the former is a minor ablution while…
What is Ashura?
This is the question of Prophet Moosa (a.s.) to Allah when he was informed about Ashura. And Allah’s reply to…
13 minutes with Nature
Beach waves under the moon light Beautiful scene Beach waves under the moon light, lenght: 13 minutes Download 13 minutes with…
What is the opinion of Islam about singing and dancing in wedding ceremonies?
By: Abdul Adheem al-Muhtadi al-Bahrani Question: What is the opinion of Islam about singing and dancing in wedding ceremonies? The…
Secrets of the Hajj
Ayatullah al-Uzma al-Hajj ash-Shaykh Nasir Makarim Shirazi Undoubtedly, there are great rewards as mentioned above. However there are also harsh…
The Status of Music in Islam
Written by Saleem Bhimji Introduction Since time immemorial, the issue of music has been debated by various sectors of the…
Why does Zakat become Wajib?
By: Shaheed Ayatullah Abdul Husain Dastghaib Shirazi There is hidden wisdom in making Zakat and other charities obligatory. Some of…